Register button

Haven't registered your tag yet? Click above to do so.

To login to your existing account click on the blue "Login" button above.


UMN rewards for riding to campus!!


the Zap Program

The Zap Program is a non-profit biking incentive program run through UMN Parking & Transportation Services. We use Dero ZAP RFID hardware and software - an automated bike commuting system pioneered at the University of Minnesota. It is an effortless way of verifying and logging your biking trips.

the incentives

Students: 100 students each month are rewarded a gift card to a local company/restaurant if they earned 12+ Zaps the previous month between April-November, or if they earned 8+ Zaps the previous month between December-March.

Staff/Faculty: Sign up for the Wellbeing Program to earn substantial savings on UPlan premiums. Earn 25 wellbeing points for each day you ride your bike through the Zap program. More info about this here:

how it works

First, you will need to get a tag installed on your bike. Then you simply register your tag by clicking the big red 'REGISTER' button on the top of this screen. Once we confirm your account, your commutes will be tracked and sent to your new Dero account where you can see how many Zaps you've earned, miles you've commuted, pounds of carbon dioxide you've reduced, and how many gallons of gas you've saved. You can only earn one Zap a day, but feel free to pass by as many readers as you would like!

You will know you are getting 'Zapped' when you hear the beep as you pass by a reader! This requires being within 10' of the Zap reader's antenna. 

(Picture depicting where a bike tag gets connected - yellow Zap tag)

the reader locations

Chances are you have already seen a reader on campus. This LINK will show you where you can find them on campus.

The image below shows what a reader looks like. There are 20 readers on campus, and even more around Minneapolis and St. Paul that also work with the UMN program.

how to join

Head to UMN Bike Center(operated by The Hub Bike Co-op). To pick up a tag, or email to request a tag and one will be mailed to you. Tags are free and take nearly 10 seconds to be put on. Remember to email with your 8-digit tag ID number and we will register it to your account!

Additionally, you can link your Nice Ride membership with your Zap account to earn the Zap incentives. Email if you need any instructions on how to do so!

other program details

Seasonal Challenges: Create a team with at least one other person to keep you biking year-round. Certificates, biking gear, and bragging rights included for the top 3 teams.

Newsletters: Sent out early each semester to let users know what we have been up to, upcoming biking events, and updates about biking around campus (infrastructure changes, construction, etc.).

Social Media:

Instagram - @umnzap_program

Facebook - @UMNBikeCenter.Zap 

Twitter - @UMN_Zap


frequently asked questions

Q. I got zapped today but it's not showing up on my calendar.  A. It can take up to an hour for the zap to be reflected on your calendar. If it's been longer than that amount of time, please email to troubleshoot.

Q. I have more than one bike. Can I have more than one tag? A. Yes! Just email with your new tag number to get it registered.

Q. My tag fell off.  A. You'll need to get a new one attached. Head to the Bike Center for a new tag or email requesting one and we will have one mailed to you.